Here’s 6 things I have learned on my journey so far, bringing a new concept from my head to (hopefully) yours!

6 tips to help your idea come to life!!

Taking any idea forward takes vulnerability, bravery and a whole lot of dedication - but we can all do it, and the effort and discomfort is so worth it! Here's 6 things I have learned on my journey so far.

  1. Build demand before the product! Everyone says this but it’s so easy to not listen - like, too easy. I didn’t either! If I started this gig over, I would 1000% build the demand before, or at least while building the product. I didn’t, because I was too fearful that in exposing my idea, I would somehow lose it. The risk would have been worth it and I’m sure would have helped me grow faster. 

  2. Capture, capture, capture. Whether it be a fleeting thought, a potential photo op, a snazzy line. Jot down or capture ALL your thoughts and ideas as often as you can. It doesn’t even have to be in a logical, regular or organised way, but the act of capturing it will help you have something to come back to - and you’ll surprise yourself how often you will. Lately, I have been leaning back on some of my very first braindumps when clarifying content, ideas and next moves - as in this is stuff that is nearly 18 months old! You’ll find you’ll use all your great thoughts, images and lines when the time is right. 

  3. The power of percolation! Sometimes it might feel like you have a thousand ideas a day. Which ones will you actually action?! I have learned they all need to sit and swirl and the ones I want to prioritise, and why, will eventually simmer to the surface. Give ideas time and space and you’ll figure it out. 

  4. Speaking of time and space - don’t lose it. I do too often, but it’s always a work on for me. When you have a number of things on the go, it’s easy to forget to take a moment to breathe, to take care of yourself and realise that many “urgent” things are actually only urgent in our own heads. 

  5. Don’t do it alone. This can mean so many things, but I think mostly it means that no great accomplishment was achieved by one person alone. To me it mostly means that in leaning into an idea, you have to lean into new conversations, new communities and new support systems - all things never achievable by yourself 🙂

  6. The most important of all - just start! If you’d told me this time a year ago I’d be regularly making videos of myself, I’d probably have crawled into bed and hid (for a year). A year before that, if you said in 12 months I’d have found the courage to expose my ideas to the world, I really, honestly don’t know if I’d believe you. Every ‘great progress’ starts with the smallest of steps. I implore you to take the smallest of steps toward your ideas - I promise you, you have the power to surprise yourself with how far you will get!